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About Us

September 15, 20140 CommentsKituo Cha Sheria

We empower the poor and marginalized people to effectively access justice and realize their human and peoples’ rights through advocacy, networking, lobbying, legal aid, legal education, representation and research


KITUO’s programmes deal with issues of legal aid education, forced migration, advocacy, governance and community partnerships. In addition, KITUO will strengthen its work around research, communication and documentation and strategic leadership and governance. All the programmes aim at empowering poor and marginalised people to effectively access justice and enjoy human and people’s rights.
KITUO has reported major landmarks in its growth. These include: institutionalization of the planning process; shift in orientation from legal aid to legal empowerment; focus on public interest litigation; expansion into marginalized areas through satellite offices; designing of innovative and responsive programmes and establishment of a proactive board that represents the interests of poor and marginalized groups. KITUO’s strategic priority areas for the next 5 years beginning 2009 will include; Legal education and empowerment for the poor and marginalized; transitional justice and institutional reforms in Kenya with a view to focusing on the various commission reports like the Commission of Inquiry into the Post Election Violence (the Waki report), the Independent Review Committee (the Kriegler report), and The Commission of Inquiry into Irregular/Illegal Land (the Ndungu report); Design of innovative and responsive programmes/products to its constituencies; space for KITUO in policy and decision making platforms/levels; visibility of KITUO through research, media, partnership and networks; organizational growth, sustainability and development towards a professional, sound and viable organization; Functional strategic leadership and governance; enhanced institutional memory; partnerships with academic and research institutions.Drawn from the strategic priority areas of concerns are seven strategic objectives which include;

  • Empowerment of the poor and marginalized people to access justice and realize human rights;
  • Strengthening functional and transformative leadership;
  • Facilitating innovative growth, expansion and sustainability of KITUO;
  • Profiling KITUO and national, regional and international levels;
  • Strengthening human resources development and management systems;
  • Ensuring efficient and effective delivery of quality interventions by KITUO; and
  • Strengthening participatory planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation systems.

All programmes draw their specific objectives and activities from the overall KITUO strategic objectives. The organisation’s ethos will be based on: respect for and promotion of human rights; commitment to justice and equity while upholding the rule of law; solidarity with the poor and marginalized; Commitment to volunteerism, social transformation aimed at empowering the disadvantaged, creativity and innovation supported by information technology and integrity, transparency, accountability and professionalism.


In achieving its Vision and Mission, KITUO is guided by the following core values:

  • Respect for human rights;
  • Commitment to justice and equity for all;
  • Solidarity with pro-poor individuals and agencies;
  • Courage in promoting social transformation and empowerment of the poor and marginalized;
  • Service through volunteerism;
  • Transparency, reliability and accountability in its relations with its stakeholders;
  • Obligation to upholding the rule of law; and
  • Professionalism.

KITUO’s MOTTO is: We care for justice

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