Legal Chronicles
Kituo and 16 days of Activism
Access to JusticeDecember 3, 20160 CommentsKituo Cha Sheria
This year’s theme announcement for the 16 days of activism is: “Orange the World: Raise Money to End Violence against Women and Girls”
This is the second year that Kituo is participating in 16 days of activism and our ambition is to engage you to take action and participate at whatever level you can to appreciate and acknowledge survivors of sexual gender based violence (SGBV).
Our Haki blog will feature your informative articles together with your photos on the action you are taking on Sexual Gender Based Violence. START NOW by going to our Facebook page ( and watch the videos, comment, and tell us what you have learnt, and how we can reach you to promote and live in a world that is free from SGBV also visit our Haki blog during the 16 days for more(
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