Legal Chronicles
Radio talk show @ Ghetto Radio this past Saturday
UncategorizedNovember 30, 20150 CommentsKituo Cha Sheria
This Saturday (28th of November) Jackie from Grace Agenda and Elisabeth Atieno held a radio talk show at Ghetto Radio. For those who don´t know who/what Grace Agenda is: it is a community based organization established after the 2007/2008 post-election violence and is comprised of survivors who had children out of the rapes during the post-election violence. It is a very important organization and we are proud to cooperate with them.
Discussion was guided by DJ Double Trouble and supported by Garrang and Eddy. Defined the Meaning of GBV and what it means to the common mwananchi and its various forms.
Later they discussed the healing of rape survivors and the hard path of self-reflection towards the same. The rapist can for a long time have power over you so long as you keep memories of pain and unforgiveness within. Lastly they gave information about the Police Vetting Process and how survivors were able to participate by filing in complaints forms and identifying errant officers and Police stations, and our recommendations, structural and social to address the same.
The subject is tough but so important to talk about, we need to bring SGBV out from the private sphere to the public. Thank you Jackie and Elisabeth for the radio talk show!
P.S Don´t worry, we have planned for more radio talk shows to come.
What did you guys think about the show? comment below!
Christina Malmgren – AGCP
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