Legal Chronicles

Success Stories- M-Haki

Access to JusticeJanuary 12, 20180 CommentsKituo Cha Sheria


Kituo cha Sheria had the thought of coming up with an innovative and cost-effective service that allows for better delivery of legal services and information to more people in society and in particular, the poor and marginalized. This is what brought about, M-Haki-‘Haki Mkononi’. M-Haki started official operation on 8th March 2016 and has been of service to over 5,100 clients to date. M-Haki-‘Haki Mkononi’ is the use of SMS technology to disseminate legal information to clients. M-Haki is both innovative and reliable and is intended to lessen the costs of accessing justice. To make use of this technology, Kituo has a dedicated mobile number-0700777333 where the public can text legal questions to be answered by Kituo lawyers and volunteer advocates.

Some sample success stories from the platform include…
I. Brian Gicheru- Labour Matter
Brian Gicheru a resident of Nyeri County on behalf of his father wrote in to the platform to enquire on a labour matter. In his query, Brian stated that his father’s contract of service was terminated on 19th September 2017, by a Company named Hippora Business Solutions on account of redundancy.  His father’s terminal dues didn’t follow the termination up to date as required by law. Furthermore, he had worked for the company for over five years. Numerous visits to the Nairobi county labour office bore no fruit.
Kituo Cha Sheria was able to assist by referring Brian Gicheru to bring his father to our head office with all relevant documents to support his claim.
A demand letter was drafted by the legal aid team upon the visit and further along the client was referred to a volunteer advocate in Nyeri County where the cause of action arose. Kituo is following up on the matter to ensure that justice prevails.

II. Oluoch Omondi Jacob-Land Matter
Oluoch Omondi Jacob a resident of Eastleigh, Nairobi bought a parcel of land from a willing seller who is now since deceased. The conveyance process went as far as reaching land gazettment. However the land title wasn’t transferred to his name. Omondi sought for advice through M-Haki platform on what steps to take next after the deceased’s wife began to claim that she was not aware of the existence of our client. He was adequately  referred to a volunteer advocate and advised by Kituo advocate to issue any relevant documents related to that transaction to his counsel as Kituo advocate maintains contact with the counsel in question to be abreast of any progress.

III. Wairimu Gitobu-Succession Matter

Ms. Wairimu wanted to know the process of succession in a probate matter. She was given a detailed explanation of what occurs during such a procedure and the pre-requisite documents that she should acquire (death certificate of the deceased, a letter from a local chief ascertaining relation, a list of beneficiaries/ dependants et cetera. She thanked us for our services. We count this as a success.


Kituo Cha Sheria.

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